"Your Book in Scotland by
We will promote your book in a beautiful full-color catalog that we will present to the festival. Let's show the Scots what your book is all about!
Go to http://us.mg5.mail.yahoo.com/ScotlandPrority.html, and your book will be among the very first we'll present, larger and with more space than the others!
Go to http://us.mg.mail.yahoo.com/ScotlandTwoOnly.html, and your book will be promoted in its full glory, in beautiful full-color on a half page! That's a big exposure, no sharing space with five or seven other books. PLUS we will mail your own complimentary copy of the beautiful catalog to you!
You will receive latest-news progress reports before, during, and after the Festival.
Must choose a shipping option to activate. Valid for one title at a time. No use of coupons allowed. Mention the title of your book in the Instructions Box.
ISBN: Scotland, , Buy $49.00"
The e-mail sent to authors is much more detailed about PA's involvement with the Edinburgh International Book Festival and the authors books being submitted Sean Connery. PAULA COMMERFORD, a former PA author, said on her website that she contacted the Book festival and received the following e-mail from the Festival.
"Further to my email this morning, I have pleasure in setting out a statement from the Book Festival below. I hope this answers your concerns. Thank you for bringing the matter to our attention.
We are aware of an email marketing campaign carried out by Publish America LLLP promoting the opportunity to purchase inclusion in a " Scotland " catalogue of books to be presented to the Edinburgh International Book Festival this August. In response, the Book Festival has today served a "cease and desist" notice on Publish America LLLP including the following statement.There is not, nor has there ever been, any association between the Edinburgh International Book Festival Ltd and Publish America . There are no meetings scheduled between any representative of the parties, and we are not aware of any participation by Publish America or any of its authors or agents in the 2011 Edinburgh International Book Festival.
Any submission of a catalogue would be treated by the Edinburgh International Book Festival as an unsolicited submission – of which we receive a large volume each year – and it is unlikely that inclusion in the “ Scotland ” catalogue would lead to any participation in the festival. We do not permit leafleting or other promotional activity on the festival site and access to the author and publisher hospitality spaces is by invitation only. It is therefore highly unlikely that Publish America will achieve any increased visibility of participating authors among industry or the general public at the Edinburgh International Book Festival. Publish America ’s marketing materials imply a relationship between the Edinburgh International Book Festival Ltd and Publish America LLLP which does not exist.
They further falsely portray the nature of the festival and the likelihood that the purchase of inclusion in the “ Scotland ” catalogue will result in attention from the Festival and/or publishers. In addition to their misleading nature, we believe that Publish America’s marketing materials constitute a direct and flagrant breach of the Edinburgh International Book Festival Ltd’s intellectual property and an attempt to make use of the Edinburgh International Book Festival Ltd’s brand without proper authority and in a manner that is likely to cause damage to the reputation and good standing of the festival.We have asked them to issue a clarification that this promotion is not in any way linked with the Edinburgh International Book Festival, to add a disclaimer to the same effect to their website, and to offer a refund to any author who feels they have been misled."
Thanks to Paula Commerford and her website.
Great job on this article, Phil. Any wonder why we call them PubliSHAMErica?
HOW can this company continue these practices and get away with it? - It is unbelievable. It is almost as if they are unstopable.
Well, we try to slow them down a little bit.
didnt they do shame thing with the whole amazon studio thing and they continue was terminated to make a long story short
I was so excited to find a company to publish my first book for free. I signed the contract, e-mailed it back and then the fun began. I had lots of questions and kept e-mailing, more than 15, and calls, 10 and got a few useless responses.
The latest thing was an e-mail stating my book could just be published in black and white because it is a novel. I wrote a children's book of 10 commandments.
Couldn't believe it.
Another concern I had was the price they were going to sell it at...19.95. That's outrageous!!!
I am trying to get out of my contract and hope and pray I can. This place is a sham!!
They are a rip off organization and I'm soooo sorry I didn't check them out first but as I said I was so excited.
Beware of Publish America!! If anyone has any advice, please pass it on.
@class of 72 "I was so excited to find a company to publish my first book for free". If I had a dime for every time I heard a PA author say this, I'd be richer than Meiners himself. I think that's why so many authors do fall for this because they've had so many rejection letters or thought that self publication was too pricey. It's like the authors get so excited, that they're blinded.
Everybody watch out. If you gave them your Social Security number, know that your personal information is not secure with them and they may make it public as they did to me (out of retaliation for my news reports).
I hear that Mr.. Cretella is very busy these days, sending out letters, bullying people to remove truthful information about this company. My guess is, it may have something to do with my recent FBI compliants I filed on them. They wouldn't want the FBI to read the truth, now would we?
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