These example shows you how serious the harassment against the detractors can get. It wasn't enough that the CEO Willem Meiners filed a frivolous lawsuit against Phil Dolan, Rev. Sinthyia and Tomas Meyer. It wasn't enough that their names were inexplicably mentioned and heard around the world in a very bitter and very public response to J.K Rowling and her staff after the publisher was caught making false claims that for $49.00 they would show the world famous author these vanity books and that she would offer some sort of critique. It wasn't enough that PublishAmerica's attorney in said response called Dolan and Darkness the derrogatory name "muckrakers" along with the defamatory statement "...No reasonable person would ever rely upon anything they said. By doing so, your client { JK Rowling} and her representatives have subjected themselves to a defamation suit."
My favorite quote from this response is this. " The simple fact is that your client’s Edinburgh residence is public knowledge; she even publicizes this fact on her own website!!! " Gotta love an attorney that responds to a legal notice with 3 exclaimation points but I digress.
Neither Mr. Dolan nor the reverend Darkness had anything at all to do with the trouble with JK Rowling that PA bought upon itself with this promotion. But yet, their names were shouted across the world along with the name of David Kuzminski who had nothing to do with it either. In fact, all three individuals named in this response never were involved in litigation with PublishAmerica. David Kuzminski was sued in a private lawsuit against Mr. Cretella (see his siggy at the bottom of that response?)
It seems that PA and its employees can't separate themselves from the corporate entity and that there really does not appear to be any clear division.
Take this for example. This was filed in Case No. 1:11-CV-01999, WILHELMUS JOHANNES FRANS )
MEINERS and ALICE RUSH MEINERS plaintiffs " According to PA’s
first process server, a person by the name of Joselina Vargas currently resides at the North Miami Beach address." "Nobody has answered the door for PA’s second process server..." "Exs. 5 & 6. PA’s first process server also ran a skip trace on Sinthyia" "At the end of October, PA hired a private investigator to locate Darkness and Meyers" "The investigator surveilled a second address.." so you see what we're getting at here folks. Documents filed under penalty of perjury show that the funds for this private lawsuit involving the CEO of PublishAmerica and his wife, came directly from the corporation. Funds were taken from PublishAmerica and used to pay somebody to put the home of an innocent man under video surveillance. "He {the private investigator hired by PUBLISHAMERICA} ran a tag of a vehicle located on the property but it was not associated with either of the Defendants’ names."
Did they really think they were going to find a person named Sinthyia Darkness?
"The investigator has also identified several “[o]ther addresses of interest”. Ex. 11. These appear to belong to Meyers’ son, Thomas Meyers, Jr. Further investigation is necessary to determine whether Defendants can be linked to any of these properties. So far Plaintiffs have spent $750 to effectuate service on these two Defendants: (1) $200 for the first process sever; (2) $350 for the second process server; and (3) $200 for the private investigator. Additional attempts to serve Defendants will cost approximately $50 per Defendant per address. The private investigator charges $85 per hour with a minimum of four hours per day for field work."
Ah, but wait.. according to these documents, the "plantiffs" didn't spend anything unless they are asserting that PA's funds are their personal funds. Hmmmm.
Accordingly, Plaintiffs have to take very expensive measures to
follow up on these leads, including surveillance. If Plaintiffs were required to rush this investigation and follow up on multiple leads simultaneously, it could cost thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars; that would not be fair to Plaintiffs..." Yep. sure sounds like there are some questionable fund conversion issues here.
Finally, look at this:
Respectfully Submitted
Victor E. Cretella III
230 E. Patrick Street
Frederick, MD 21701
Bar No. 13459
Counsel for Willem and Alice Meiners
I declare under penalty of perjury that the facts identified in this motion are true and correct.
Yeah. That's PublishAmerica's address, phone number and email account.
As if this wasn't sloppy enough, we have something else to show you! This document is the Declaration from the Private Investigator, Bernardo Yepes hired by PublishAmerica in this lawsuit that has been dismissed by federal judge Quarrles. The lawsuit takes a very bizarre twist here. We discovered this document filed in case number L-09-2387 This is a document involving the lawsuit that Dolores Dawes Llyod filed against PublishAmerica LLLP. The personal information contained within this document does not involve anyone by the name of "Thomas Meyer." but instead of another man, with a similar sounding surname but different spelling.
The next segment of this story, is a post made on the Bogus Barrister blog. You may start reading this and think to yourself, 'okay, but just what the hell does this have to do with PublishAmerica?' This involves a man who is being indicted for embezzling funds from a church that were set up as a legal fund for Rifqa Bary. Brian Smith has aided a known terrorist organization. By this man's own admission, he was gathering information on, harassing and has some sort of arrangment to provide PA with information about Reverend Synthia Darknes. Nobody seems to know exactly what happend to Brian Smith. Shortly after he was reported to the FBI for this activity, he disappeared from the Internet. We are not saying that this guy had some sort of conspiracy going on with PA. That's what this Brian Smith guy was claiming. In any case, he incriminated himself and Publishamerica.
This is what the Bogus Barrister blog reported on this. Reprinted here with permission.
The Bogus Barrister is always happy when we get our chance to help law enforcement. We are proud that we have been in contact with officers across the country and that our tips have lead to arrests. I wanted to take this moment to thank men and women who join law enforcement and who put their lives on the line to keep our citizens safe. We have been busy at the Barrister today working behind the scenes in one of the strangest incidents we have encountered in a long while. We hope that anyone with information about this perpetrator will get in touch with us and the Orlando Florida police department.
Brian Smith is forty years old and is thought to live in Orlando. The victim in tis case is the writer known publicly as Sinthyia Darkness. Although there are but a couple of references to Thomas Meyer, and a male internet user who uses the handle "Ironball" Smith's real target here is Sinthyia. There has been some discussion recently about who Sinthyia Darkness really is. Because of our involvement as a result of an anonymous crime tip to the Bogus Barrister, I believe that the question as to the identity of this person is solved and although the name Sinthyia Darkness does appear on the court docket filed by Vic Cretella on behalf of his clients Mr and Mrs Meiners there should only be the names of Mr. Dolan and Mr. Meyer on it. This is an important point because the man Mr. Smith although motivated by revenge, intimates that he has formed an alliance with PublishAmerica. PublishAmerica may say differently but we are only going by the statements published on the Internet by Mr. Smith. He has many such statments more than once.
Mr. Dolan, Meyer or Darkness have never met Smith in person. Smith joined an Internet news group powered by Yahoo in 2008. The group is run by Rev. Meyer's ministry. Let me point out that this is not Brian Smith's first attempt to scam a church or religious organization. He was appointed an officer of the Global Revolution Church in Orlando. He and two other men embezzled and/or misappropriated funds sent to the church from all over the country by Rifqa Bary's supporters intended for Rifqa’s legal defense fund. Bary was fleeing CAIR a Muslim organization that has known terrorist ties. Bary was found guilty under sharia law and thus the need for the legal defense fund. Smith and two accomplices are accused of embezzlement, mail tampering and wire tapping. So even before we get to what he is doing to these people, the guy has a pattern of criminal activity.
Mr. Brian Smith began sending Sinthyia personal emails that suggest he wanted a personal relationship with this person. It is very awkward for me to write this with what I know based upon what I have learned today but for the sake of argument when I mention Sinthyia I will simply refer to this writer as female.
Smith is or was married but claimed that he and his wife were swingers. In act he still has personals ads on the Internet seeking women or a couple. To each his own I guess.
I have spent my day reading email exchanges and from the get go, Mr. Smith was trying to invite himself over to Sinthyia's home. Within a year, his comments in said Yahoo forum were off color. He spoke about his avid love of guns and boasted about the weapons he owns. He made racial remarks about the President and it was then that moderators stepped in and told him those comments would not be tolerated.
There is an exchange between Smith and the moderators over it and Smith is put on moderation to which he protests. Smith goes into a rage and writes Sinthyia privately. He demands that the moderator be thrown out of the group. She refuses. He sends her emails supposedly from the moderator who uses the moniker "Ironball" which he altered to make it appear that this man was making nasty remarks behind Sinthyia's back in order to instigate a fight. "Ironball" immediately emailed the exchange with full headers to prove that these emails were altered. Ironball's words were changed to make it appear that he was laughing about Sinthyia's supposed battle with cancer.
Smith is banned from the news group. He sends threatening emails to Sinthyia demanding an apology and then blackmails her with the emails that he has altered. He says if he does not get an apology, if Ironball is not thrown out of the group that he will "go public" with these emails. Smith also at the time thinks that Sinthyia is a mayoral candidate in the 2009 Miami-Dade election due to a news report in the Miami New Times and he writes her to say that his great-Aunt so and so was the first female judge in Miami and he boasts of his political connections. He says that he will use these connections to rig the election and ensure she never gets elected. Several members of the group, including moderators send these threatening emails to the abuse department of Yahoo and two of Brian Smith's email accounts get shut down for violating the provider's terms of service. The accounts closed were and . Smith claims to operate some sort of "paranormal research" group in Orlando. We have contacted Central Florida Paranormal and they have never heard of Brian Smith. Timothy Fitzgerald is the man who started the Central Paranormal organization known as cflparanormal.
Since then Smith has harassed them on websites and message boards. Mr. Smith making good on his threat to publicly publish these fictitious emails did so on his website;wap2. Bogus Barrister visited that page last month when AW linked to it. You will see Smith's name and altered emails up there. You can see that this entire website has been created to harass people on the Internet. Smith is also suspected of being the one who has pretended to be Sinthyia and Meyer on a Wikipedia page that was created in the name of "Sinthyia Darkness" which is the name the publishamerica book was published under. Smith copied and pasted that defamatory article as a comment on the Miami New Times. Take a look at this. Smith is posting under several aliases on this website to make it appear that it is more than just him engaging in this harassment.
" bruce oshea 2 years ago
Sinthyia is a fake and a attention seeker. She attacks people out of jealousy and to seek pity from others. There is major drama on the Internet about her spoofing a website owned by lord Rick and blaming on others so she can seek sympathy and claimed she was attacked by Lord rick because she was jealous of his fame. Recently the same has occurred on her yahoo group Titled "miamicenter for paranormal research" when her boyfriend Thomas attacked the world renowned owner of cflparanormal, Brian Smith which was a long time friend but seemed to surpass sinthyia's fame. The attack continued even after cflparanormals' owner redrew from the group to avoid anymore confrontation. After Brian threatened legal action and to make public the harrassing emails and blatant slander of his reputation, thomas myer and synthyia filed unfounded complaints with yahoo, having his account removed wrongly. Luckily Brian Smith had all the related messages archived in a server and is now supposably working with authourities and legal advisors to obtain all complaints associated with Sinthyia and Thomas for civil and possible criminal prosecution. The probmAtic issue is that there are numerous alias' used by the two with possible ties to scams, an deceit. Is this who you want for mayor? she is a kook and a wee bit too shady for me. do a google search for lord rick and read his blog or visit his radio show website for more info, or go to cflparanormal on myspace and read his blog. Alot of drama for a mayor."
There are 72 comments. It looks like most are Brian Smith . Take a look at the last three comments at the bottom there. The third from the bottom comment states that Sinthyia Darkness died. There have been odd death notices and fake obituaries popping up over the internet. She understandably was alarmed by them. They started showing up in December at the same time that she noticed her email accounts have been hacked, deleted and her blog has also been deleted due to being compromised. It is believed that Smith did this, given the fact that he makes his presence known ala Jack Nicholson "heeeere's Johnny!"
Of note! Brian Smith described himself in the above excerpt as "a long time friend." He was never a personal friend to any of these people and the emails I have in front of me reflect that. Smith however has repeatedly tried to give the impression to the contrary.
He creates a fictitious Facebook account under the name "Claire Voy" and this happened sometime last week. I have copies of the screen shots that were made to document these incidents. The profile seems to have been removed now. "Claire" aka Brian was claiming to be a psychic and comes over to the "Sinthyia Darkness" Facebook page.
I feel that I must warn you. A ghost of your hidden past has returned to haunt you !"
A few facebook users responded about this strange comment from "Claire" to which Smith replied,
"i see a small tan house with three large palm tree in front, a white vehicle with latters on the roof. the words sin, darkness, piano, purple rope, and untruth all continue to run thru my head."
Smith describes a house where Thomas Meyer's father lived. For some reason, Smith thinks Sinthyia's last name is Darkness and has been trying to find this person. He knows the name of Thomas Meyer but the person that he has found and that he is tracking is Meyer Sr not his son. The same happened to the private investigator who was hired to locate these people. The name Sinthyia Darkness is not on radar at all. In what Cretella filed in the court case, he states that not even the justice department has any record of a person by that name. All of that searching only to end up with only information on a couple of men. I'll get to that in a minute.
Brian as " Claire Voy" makes reference to "piano." It is Meyer's father who is in the piano business. He is the tuner and piano shop owner as once was advertised on the Sinthyia Darkness blog. Couple of weeks ago, Meyers says a man showed up after hours and was sneaking around the plaza. Mr. Meyers views a picture of Smith and identified him as the man who approached him that night. He says that Smith ran up to him and was yelling. He was clearly looking to start a fight. It is believed that Smith is still watching the piano store. It is also worth mentioing that Meyer says within the past couple of months he was gotten fraudulent phone calls. One of them from a bank that he does not have an account with, fishing for personal information.
This problem with Smith has been going on now for the past four years and there are police reports which the Barrister has obtained. We deal with these Nigerian scammers who make all sorts of threats to people and we know that if they have the means and the drive to carry out these threats its only a matter of time before they do. Smith comes across as very disturbed. He uses the phrases "you destroyed me" in these letters. Closing down an email account doesn't "destroy" anybody. In his mind it did people that are desperate or have nothing left to lose are the most dangerous. We at the Bogus Barrister crime blog do feel that these people are all in serious danger.
Banning/blocking this Smith fellow doesn't seem to deter him. "Claire Voy" was banned/blocked from contacting his target on the Sinthyia Darkness facebook page. Smith then creates another fictitious profile, this one impersonating Sinthyia Darkness corporation as "Synthyia Alice Dark" He chose the vanity URL of We have
obtained archived pages and screenshots documenting what Smith posted on the wall. He listed the location of Meyer sr's home on the profile and threats to "come after" her. He repeatedly calls her "Sin" like he is a close friend but "Sin" is not any nickname.
If you visit the imposter Synthyia Darkness page, also note that Brian Smith has linked two of his personal accounts to it, This one and this profile and of course Claire Voy. On his real profile or at least the profile that he uses he real name, he claims to be a "Sargent" at the Spartan Protection Agency in Orlando. We have contacted them in an attempt to verfify this claim and anxiously await a response.
Here is one of the threatening comments Smith wrote as Synthyia Darkness
Synthyia Alice Dark Sinthyia Darkness
see a fictious person is someone a author writes about....put a person who takes on a ficious name is still responsible for their actions, they are still the person but with a ficticious name..i have emails from long ago sin and thomas and old ironball talking about sin and i have a picture of sin in a srticle running for mayor..i am the ghost from the past..i work for no publishing company, but will gladly give them the proof they want..i can prove who sinthyia darkness is..i can prove what fake websites she has run over the years..Ive been waiting for years to make things even...I know she fakes her own death on the news site she was running, i also know she posted her own death on "find agave" ...I never disappeared I just sat back and built my bag of evidence..i'm just telling you that i kniw what you did and I'm gonna help prove it because of what you did to me."
He has also been sending creepy unsolicited messages to those who subscribe to the Sinthyia Darkness page.
He has been writing accusing Sinthyia of various criminal activity. Anybody who knows about Sinthyia Darkness' former blog knows that this person helped clean up the Internet by exposing criminals. Smith goes back and forth about his Yahoo accounts being closed. In one email he admits that he knows he was reported to Yahoo and that it was Yahoo that shut him down and in the next contact he accuses Sinthyia of "hacking" him. Not only has Smith created these Facebook profiles but he has also opened up an email account to impersonate Sinthyia on the Internet. He opened the account and began sending threatening messages to an email address owned by a horror fiction book club. The name on the outgoing emails is "sinthyia Darkness." Last week he sent this creepy message.
from> Sinthyia Darkness< "4 years ago you and Thomas wrongly destroyed everything I built... You could of fixed it and apologized but you didn't. I've spend 4 years waiting and watching you build fake site and build yourself as sinthyia darkness, I have all the archives of this and ip addresses of it all and pictures of you that you labeled as sinthyia darkness.. You over the years have proven you are real but have a ficticious name, sinthyia isn't a fictitious person but your alias and I have the legal proof of that... I have every reason in the world to turn this over to PA and I will.. Fair is fair, you destroy what I built and I return the favor >> >>Sent from my Super secret spy I-phone communicator device.."
His Super Secret spy device is a cell phone with Internet service provided by t-moble. I have a copy with full headers. If his internet access is through this phone then you can bet he verified this email address and Facebook accounts with his phone number.
Last night, Smith sent another threatening email message aimed at Rev. Sinthyia from his email account he created in her name. I think it is very important to point out that this email was sent to an email account that he thinks belongs to "Sinthyia Darkness" but it does not. He has been sending them to an email address owned by a fictition horror book club. The book club actually Googled the name Synthia_Darkness and thought at first this crazy email was sent from Sinthyia to them. Later emails have proven that they were aimed at her by some warped person (Smith).
From Synthyia Thu Mar 1 17:35:48 2012
X-Apparently-To: via; Thu, 01 Mar 2012 17:37:14 -0800
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I can tell you this now... I report you to craigslist and yahoo and facebook, I stated I would press charge for Internet crimes and harassment along with libel... Your ip address is being forwarded to the Internet crimes unit of the FBI .. You hand to use a email to post the craigslist ad and confirm an account using a cell number I'm also pushing for identity theft... One of these will give me your true names on a legal document and your ip address that's all I need... As soon as I get it it's going to publish America ... And I am pressing charges... Lol you still think your untouchable... Yahoo and facebook have been monitoring my account for a week now because I knew you would attempt to hack them... So predictable... Thanks again Sent from my Super secret spy I-phone communicator device....
His message is for the most part incoherant. But he seems to be accusing her of the very things that he is doing to her and has been doing to the Meyer family over the past four years. Sinthyia has not posted any ads on Craiglist. He does not have anything to report this person for. He is the one sending out these emails and he is the one who created these accounts pretending to be her.
As some of you who are readers of this blog already know, Sinthyia Darkness does have a legal dispute but it's connection to Publish America LLLP is that it involves the CEO of the company. It is a personal issue and in no way involves Brian Smith. As you see, Smith is attempting blackmail by saying he is going to give them information about who he thinks she really is. This is blackmail plain and simple regardless of what Smith might think it is. From these letters is is clear that all that has bee done is defend against his harassment and threats.
Smith seems to be under the impression that the litigants do not know the "true names" of Sinthyia Darkness but in fact there is no mystery. I took the time today to go over the court case and as far as the litigants are concerned, all parties have been notified. Smith appears to be using this an excuse to stalk. This Brian Smith character is a real peach.
He has in fact made death threats and those are published in one of the most recent comments on the Miami New Times article.
Cflparanormal 4 days ago in reply to Have Some Respect
the girl aint dead... she faked her death to try to escape all her negativity and law suits.. shes a scammer.. try to read the article again.. it puts you on a dead link to a fake newspaper.. the go to her group "miami paranormal investigation society" and try to read the investigations... it takes you to the same fake newspaper.. she created it to make her self look famous and then to fake her death
Cyberbouncer 4 days ago
see that girl ain't dead ...but she will be soon... see i will get even for what she did to me... yes sin its me Brian Smith ill be seeing you soon sin
Now going back to what I was saying about who Sinthyia Darkness really is. I doubt it would come as any surprise and it has even been hinted at in what Vic Cretella wrote in a few of his documents. Anybody who has ever read anything written by Phillip Dolan knows that he is a brilliant writer. His research is top notch Mr. Dolan is an expert about PA. Dolan is an expert in being able to disgusing his "voice" in what he writes to be able to give his writing a feminine flair. Go read something he has written and the truth will smack you in the face. Vic Cretella has taken notice and points to the parallels in these writing styles. In the Meiners' lawsuit he compares posts written on The Guild which are known to be unquestionably written by Dolan in 2008 to the articles published in 2010. When we decided to check into this several sources have notified Bogus Barrister that Sinthyia Darkness' real name is Phillip Dolan. There is no mystery here. Everything I have seen leads me to believe this is true.
It's ironic that although Smith mentions his animosity toward Ironball and Meyers neither men have gotten any recent emails from him. Why? It looks like his targets are women. Smith is convinced that the writer known as Sinthyia Darkness is a woman. So if you're a woman on the internet, please be careful and be aware that the world is full of Brian Smiths.
on March 1st, Smith posted this message on the Fake Facebook page he created in his attempt to pretend to be Sinthyia Darkness
Synthyia Alice Dark
I started this page as a classifier to the person "sinthyia darkness". The person sinthyia darkness is a fictitious person, and all her legacy and accomplishments and websites are that also, FAKE. do your reasearch, even the creator has tried to establish this by make a page on facebook stating so. So all the websites ...such as "Miami Paranormal Investigation Society" and 'Reverend Sinthyia" are all fake. She was never a real paranormal investigator, never a fashion designer, never a reverend, and never a internationally known author... She is fictitious.. so all those people following her and believing her are following a fairy tail.. do the research and figure it out for yourself, her creator stated so and even went as far as to try to stage a death to get people to stop following her like a real person. you would be better off following reverend santa claus the paranormal investigator and fashion designer... come on people get a life.. shes not real, shes not a designer or a investigator, and her paranormal investigation society never existed.. do a google search and see if you can find a physical doesnt exist.. if you do a search of the paranormal society and look at the investigations it will send you to a fake news site and the writer is... yep you guessed it "sinthyia darkness... now i will warn you a lot of people are trying to be her and before long they will try to take the fake identity and eventually take and change the phony sites but just remember no matter what she does not and has never really existed... she started as a joke and then built into a character on the net... some crazy person actually wrote a poem and paranormal book and assumed the name even, but if you read the book you will see it was horrible because it was quickly thrown together as a joke.. so get over it people
March 1 at 10:57pm
Yes indeed. The hacker has confessed. The real Sinthyia Darkness Facebook page has been compromised and the catagory was changed from journalist to fictional character.
We have just discovered a forum called "Ghost Lab" on which someone using the handle cflparanormal has been engaging in discussion since 2009. This should show you how sick and demented Mr. Smith really is. Allow us to restate that the Bogus Barrister has contacted the Central Florida Paranormal organization and verified that they do not have anybody named Brian Smith associated with them. The real owner of CFLPARANORMAL is a man named Tim Fitzgerald. CFLPAPRANORMAL has it's own internet radio show. and it's own Facebook account.
Be that as it may, Mr. Smith shows the world his paranoia when he starts an unprovoked attack on "Sinthyia Darkness" on this message board over another user there calling themselves, DarkAngel251978. He is using any sort of excuse like this to follow people who he has any suspicion of being Sinthyia. For the record, the real Sinthyia Darkness has never been a member of the Ghost Lab forum. This writer has never used the handle darkangel251978, syn. Another quick searchreveals that darkangel is a woman named Sandra Morely. If you know her let her know that she could be in danger. We are trying to contact her.
You know what I find really concerning about that forum? Look at the writing styles. I have looked over 280 + emails involving this Smith to write this post. He has a very distinctive writing style. All but maybe one of those users of that forum have that same writing style.
Posted 02-03-10 08:15 PM
I would like to clear up a little slander scam that is going on with this board and across the Internet. Let me introduce myself I am Brian Smith founder and owner of cflparanormal out of Orlando Florida, I can be contacted via email at or via my myspace page with over 500 members. The person posting on this board is not me nor affiliated with cflparanormal in any way. There is a slander scam on the Internet aimed at me via a bipolarfemale and her boyfriend and they go by many aliases,some of which are dark angel, syn, sinthia darkness, and many others. She has because upset with me because I exposed the fact the the fictious "Miami center for paranormal research" never existed, her and her purple magic lasso never did any true investigations, and that her supposabe campaign for the mayor of Miami was just to gain attention. She claim to be a world known author (publish a book of poetry thru publish America lol) but she is really just a trouble maker in the paranormal community. She has mental issue to the point of losing custody of her son due to the imbalance. Any posting with cflparanormal on the Internet about cflparanormal should be taken with a grain of salt and please feel free to contact me directly about and question of authenticity of any statements supposably made by me.... The is a Internet talk show host named lord Rick who has dedicated much of his time to exposing her and her other identities feel free to Internet search him or google sinthia darkness and you will soon realize all the people endorsing her are the same people which are evidently her other personalities... Thank you Brian Smith the real cflparanormal "
We need that person who came here to enlighten us about narcisizm to tell us what is the name for the mental state when somebody goes around victimizing people and then accusing the victim of doing the very things they are doing to the victims.
This just goes to show you what a dangerous place the internet is. That's why I don't let my kids join any chat rooms or post to any message boards. Oh and just in the event they ever do meet up with a creep like this, daddy carries guns.
Just incredible. So many people on the internet are waging guesses as to who Sinthyia really is and i bet they are all wrong even a private investigator couldn't find out.
The journalist known as Sinthyia Darkness has retired this name. Meiners and Cretella got what they wanted, sort of. They put out incorrect contact information for people who had nothing at all to do with this case. Considering the nature of what this person writes about (exposing criminals and scammers) this journalist does not want to endanger the lives of anybody currently residing at any of the addresses that these people made public in this case (rather than filing them under seal.) This Brian Smith is a prime example of the endangerment. He has gone over and has been watching one of the houses that were mentioned in the filings. That doesn't mean this journalist is going to stop the important work that thy have been doing but there is a dire need to protect innocent people from being harmed.
this Brian Smith is as nutty as they come.
Here is something interesting. We have several visitors from Maryland who have been Googling "willem meiners brian smith " That's fascinating considering that Mr. Smith never directly mentioned anything about CEO Willem Meiners. But we have made copies of our visitor log and stats which includes the IP address of those Maryland visitors. This will be of great interest to the FBI and Homeland Security.
There is a strong rumor with the Publish America authors that Sinthyia was killed by this terrorist or by somebody that the PA people sent after her and her family. Any company that sends goons like this Smith guy after their detractors is not a company that anybody wants to get involved with.I found this thankfully before I signed a contract with Publishamerica.
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