Friday, January 14, 2011

PublishAmerica claims their books are reviewed by Publishers Weekly

For those of you who missed my investigative report, I already covered the issue of book reviews. I write national columns which are read by approximately 20 million readers every month. I contacted PublishAmerica about reviewing their books and interviewing their authors. This was a big break for some of their authors. I noted that their books are not reviewed and I now know why. After wasting my time for over a week, sending me press releases written by their own authors, me taking the time to sift through them and choosing books of interest, PublishAmerica only wanted to SELL me review copies. I laughed and said no thanks. I highly doubt that anyone from Publishers Weekly asked to do reviews and I have left an inquiry with them to verify this story.

Dear author:

Publishers Weekly, the industry's number one magazine, wants to review PublishAmerica books. Let us know that you want Publishers Weekly to see your book.

While attending the American Library Association mid-winter expo in San Diego
earlier this week, a Publishers Weekly (PW) representative contacted us. She
asked PublishAmerica to submit books for their review. This we will certainly do!

Publishers Weekly is an influential magazine, read by everybody who is somebody in book publishing. Their weekly bestsellers list rivals the New York Times bestsellers list in terms of impact. Of the roughly half a million new books that were published last year, only 648 made it to PW's weekly top-15 charts. Many of those bestsellers had first received a review in Publishers Weekly.

Go to, and instruct us to submit your book to Publishers Weekly. In the Ordering Instructions box be sure to mention your name and the title of your book. If your book has not yet been released, add "Pre-release". No use of coupons allowed on this offer. You must choose a shipping option to activate.

Thank you,
--PublishAmerica Bookstore

PS: Also active, our spectacular HollEwood package: See our earlier message today.

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